Corporate social investment (CSI) forms an integral part of VEA’s business operations and remains a key area of our business strategy. Our aim is to actively invest in the communities where VEA is found to be operational.  In recent years, we have made significant progress in this area of responsibility through investing in our communities and employees. For VEA, sustainable development means the combination of long-term economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility.


VEA continuously strive to invest in the development of the youth of South Africa. Therefore, VEA offers bursaries to deserving students at universities and colleges across South Africa.

VEA also offer mentoring and learnership programmes to young and inspired graduates who would like to further their experience within VEA’s field of expertise.

VEA will soon offer an exciting opportunity for small business owners to broaden their business skills and benefit from business a formal mentoring programme.

Current CSI Initiatives

  • Sponsoring various charities and welfare institutions.
  • Offer basic social needs in communities near our sites across.
  • Donation school uniforms.
  • Continuous donation of Food and toiletries to the less privileged communities.
  • Continuous Employee volunteer projects.
  • CSI related social events.
  • Company Blanket Project.

Future Planned CSI Initiatives

  • VEA will soon offer an exciting opportunity for small business owners to broaden their business skills and benefit from business mentoring.
  • The upliftment of communities through our own learnership programs and mentorships,  thus allowing our youth to gain the opportunity to experience the wide range of careers that VEA may have to offer.
  • Broadening the environmental education and social upliftment activities at schools.
  • Supplier and enterprise development.

Due to the nature of our business, we strongly believe that our footprint is what we leave behind. Therefore, we strive to preserve the sustainability of socio-economical environments within our operations across the Country.

Abba’s Pride

VEA’s Group endless commitment to grow a better South Africa.

VEA Group recently contributed to the establishment of an aftercare centre.

Upon the completion of the Project in November 2019, the establishment will give the children from the immediate community the opportunity for a better future. The Project includes construction of the centre and the donation of books, desks and tables.


Abraham Kriel Bambanani Childcare

VEA Group was involved with the Abraham Kriel Bombani Donor’s Function. Abraham Kriel Bambanani is a registered NPO providing both residential care and community services in the greater Johannesburg area. Abraham Kriel Bambanani focuses on providing shelter, care and rehabilitation for children between the ages of birth and 18 years old, who have been subjected to trauma, abuse, molestation, poverty and neglect.

Currently Abraham Kriel Bambanani operates 22 (incl. baby unit) houses for children and carries out 6 community care programmes that provide about us imagefood, shelter, pastoral care, remedial care, social services, skills development services and early childhood development.


Lighthouse Baby Shelter

VEA Group was involved with purchasing toys for the children. The Lighthouse Baby shelter was founded in June 2008 by Eleanor Dustan. Eleanor has been passionate about children all her life and as a mother having two daughters she used to take orphans into her home for holidays and weekends as they were growing up.


Abba’s Pride Christmas Donations

VEA Group purchased gifts for for the smiling faces at Abba’s Pride. Thousands of children in South Africa live without parents or responsible adults in their homes. They are vulnerable, living in squatter and under-resourced communities. The children are hungry and lacking basic necessities. Abba’s Pride’s vision is “to see churches bring hope to their communities by nurturing and education children”. Through this vision their mission is to come alongside churches in under-resourced areas to feed the bodies, minds, and spirits of those in their communities.